Submission Instructions

Submitting to Grandma got STEM is pretty simple.

If you want to suggest someone, email your idea to Rachel Levy at

If you are a STEM-ma or know one, then you can create the post!  Send the name of the STEM-ma, some pics and the text of the story to Rachel Levy at

Is there a due date?  No, there’s no due date.  The project is ongoing.

What should I submit? There’s no required length and no special format.  People seem to be enjoying reading personal stories and remembrances, but as you can see, the posts are arriving in all shapes and sizes.  In general, each post has at least one photograph and some sort of story by (or about) the featured person.  Photos of the person at work and with grandkids seem to be of interest.  Old photos also seem to be favorites — there are some priceless black and whites!

Who can submit?  Anyone can submit.  You can submit a post about yourself, a friend, mentor or colleague.  We have also had submissions from daughters, sons, nieces and nephews, granddaughters, grandsons, partners and spouses.

Who can be featured?  The main idea is to feature grandmas in STEM-related fields (broadly defined), but not every woman featured is a grandmother.  Grandma got STEM has fabulous posts from great aunties and folks saying “I have no kids/grandkids but I’m old enough to be a grandma”.  We also have submissions from (or about) women who have been denied the opportunity for education or participation in STEM.

Does the person have to be living?  Many people have asked this question, so I thought I should put the answer here.  The person does not have to be living to be featured in Grandma got STEM.


10 Responses to Submission Instructions

  1. Joe Palumbo says:

    I take umbrage with your article. My grandmother, while not a rocket engineer, was far from a doting, fumbling, pie-making stereotype of grand matrons. Just because didn’t have a PhD makes her no less qualified for recognition. Here is a summary of her accomplishments.

    • My grandmother immigrated by herself from Finland at the age of 21 in 1910.

    • She taught herself to be fluent in English both orally and in writing and earned her US citizenship.

    • While raising her two children she became an entrepreneur. She bought, managed and was the sole proprietor of a small local grocery store.

    • Later on she bought a 4 story apartment building in NYC and managed that for many years.

    • She taught herself plumbing, electrical and other mechanical trades and could undertake just about any basic repair, skills she passed on to me.

    • She joined and sang in the Opera.

    • She organized local community groups and activities in the small town where her permanent residence was.

    • Being an excellent cook, she was sought out by wealthy families for her cooking skills. One wealthy family provided on site living quarters for her and her own room at their summer country estate.

    • When she finally retired, she had accumulated enough wealth to provide for her old age and medical care.

    She never complained about being shortchanged because she was a woman. She was highly respected by her family, her friends and peers and her employers.

    Thank you.

  2. Pingback: Light Friday: How to Read While Jogging

  3. Pingback: The problem with explaining science “so your grandmother would understand” | Research with the COS Grad Students

  4. David Munoz says:

    Great article. Very informative and well expressed.
    Thank you

  5. Pingback: Grandma Got STEM | The WCC Blog

  6. Vicki says:

    My mother used to have an entry on this blog, but it has disappeared. I wonder why? the email to contact Rachel is stale.

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