Seeking GGSTEM (Junior) Reporters

GGSTEM is initiating a project to connect kids to senior women in STEM fields.  The kids will contribute posts to GGSTEM as reporters.  This could be a great activity for afterschool groups or classroom assignments.

To participate, the reporters can use the following guide:

Grandma Got STEM Reporter Prep Sheet

STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics.

The Grandma got STEM (GGSTEM) project was started to present examples of senior women who have made contributions in those fields. Some of the posts are written by the women themselves, and others are written by people who want to celebrate their work.   The project counters the idea that grandmothers are not technically or scientifically inclined. That’s where you come in! Here’s how you can get started:

  1. Pick an area of science, engineering, technology and mathematics that interests you. There are tons to choose from!
  2. Form a team of 1-3 people interested in that same area.
  3. Use the internet to find someone you would like to interview who is not yet featured in Grandma got STEM. The woman does not need to have grandchildren, but she should be of that general age. It is a little tricky to figure out people’s general age, so maybe an adult can help you navigate that. Alternatively, you can pick a historical figure.
  4. Request an interview if the person is alive, or do some research if they are a historical figure.
  5. Prepare a list of questions to ask the person (or to research).
  6. Conduct the interview or research.
  7. Prepare your post. It should have at least one picture. The picture can come from the woman, or if it is from the internet, please make sure we have permission to post it.
  8. Email a draft of your article to Rachel Levy at Include your names and the name of any people who helped you, so we can give everyone credit.
  9. We’ll work together to edit the draft and create a final post!
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1 Response to Seeking GGSTEM (Junior) Reporters

  1. Ursula says:

    If you’re a student interested in this project, you might also be interested in writing a biography of a woman in math for the AWM Essay Contest.

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